Sunday, October 02, 2005

Pose of the day: Sawasana (SAW-ah-sah-nah)

I've chosen to cut my laminate flooring by hand. With a pull saw.

My cutting technique has evolved during this process. At first I was using the stacked boxes of flooring as a sawhorse, holding the board I was cutting with my knee, but that soon became a bad idea. (Ouch on the knees, even with the Rollerblading knee-pads. And not real smart to whisk a moving blade back and forth next to the flooring boards.) Being older and wiser, I've moved my sawhorse to the landing of the stairs, which is still covered with nasty carpet. By "sawhorse" I mean my painting step stool, which is a low stool with metal legs and a rubber covered top. I've discovered that the saw works best when perpendicular to the floor, so now I lay the board on the stool, stand on top of it to hold it down while saving my knees, and squat a little so I can use the saw with both hands.

Viola! Sawasana. I guess I don't feel so bad about missing yoga class.


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