Monday, October 03, 2005

And to think I doubted myself.

I opened up the wall in the bathroom today to start installing the faucet. It seemed like it should be as easy to put the new faucet in as it was to take the old one out. After all, all the instructions say that removing the old faucet is the hard part.

Except that my faucet didn't come with instructions.

In the interest of helping anyone who wants to install the wall mount faucet pictured a few posts below, here are the instrucitons I wish had been included:

Step 1: Drill a big hole in the drywall.
Step 2: Check your Leatherman for a saw blade.
Step 2 a: Shake your head in frustration.
Step 3: Try to figure out if you should go to Home Depot for a drywall saw without knowing what else you might need because you haven't seen the inside of the wall.
Step 4: Try your hand saw--it will work.
Step 5: Contemplate the copper pipes.
Step 6: Call your dad.

I did manage to get the hand saw into the drywall and cut out a big chunk. I took a few pictures of the escutcheons and the pipe sizes, and trooped off to Home Depot. Fortunately, my dad called me back while i was still there and I learned that it wasn't a crazy idea to want to mount the faucet on the wall and build a little case around it. Apparently, this case is called a "chase." My dad told me the bits and pieces I'd need, and and I found a few nice people at Home Depot to help me find everything.

Although I didn't finish the sink tonight, I did get the faucet hooked up and mounted to the wall. I've also roughly designed the chase and will be able to go get the wood at Home Depot tomorrow.

Bit by bit by bit by bit ...

And speaking of bits, what is the deal with drill bits? I needed a 5/16ths bit to drill holes for the mollys I got to mount the faucet with. But in my giant case of every drill bit imaginable, there was nary a 5/16ths to be found. I had 7/32 and 1/4 and 3/16 and about a hundred others, but no 5/16ths. I faked it with a 1/4. Seemed to work. I guess truth will tell when the faucet falls off the wall.


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